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Submissions are now open for the 2024 issues.

The focus of the AJLR is on scholarship that displays a connection between law and religion. Contributions that are purely theological, sociological, or political will not be considered, but interdisciplinary work involving these fields in connection with law and religion are welcome. Articles involving any area of law may be considered, and it is anticipated that many of the articles received and published by the journal will involve the sub-disciplines of public law (involving constitutional claims of freedom of religion or religion-state neutrality), employment law (involving religious discrimination claims), private law (involving the corporate structures, taxation and charity law obligations, and property interests of religious entities), and international law (involving human rights guarantees). Articles from the sub-disciplines of legal history, comparative law, and law reform are also anticipated.  All research articles are subject to double-blind peer review.

The AJLR does not accept submissions simultaneously submitted elsewhere, submissions that are not in English, handwritten submissions, submissions previously published, or submissions consisting of unmodified student work or dissertation chapters. If you are unsure whether your research meets the requirements of the journal, please send a brief inquiry to the editors before submitting.

Submissions may include scholarly articles, book reviews, and contributions to a special topic forum. Submissions should be in standard Australian English and references (with footnote citations), should comply with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4th edition), and in MS Word format. Prospective authors are encouraged to include their institutional affiliation, a cover letter, or a CV.

Submissions Open: Issue # 5 (general issue to be published in 2024)



The AJLR generally publishes scholarly research articles of 6,000 to 8,000 words in length. No offers of publication will be made until a submission has gone through the peer review process. Submissions are now open for Issue # 5 (general issue).


Book Reviews

Book review submissions should be no more than 1,000 words in length and must be on a book published within the past eighteen months.


Special Topic Forum

Submissions for the special topic forum should be approximately 800-1000 words in length. The special topic for Issue # 5 is "Rise of the Nones" (the demographic increase in Australia of individuals who report "None" or "Spiritual but not Religious" when surveyed about religious affiliation or belief.


All submissions should be sent via e-mail to