Editorial Information

Dr Alex Deagon
Dr Deagon has research expertise in Theories of Law, Law and Theology, and Freedom of Religion. The author of From Violence to Peace: Theology, Law, and Community (Hart, 2017) and A Principled Framework for the Autonomy of Religious Communities (Hart, 2023), he has also been published in many prestigious national and international journals including Law, Culture and the Humanities, the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, and the Melbourne University Law Review. He has been a peer reviewer for academic presses and journals including Cambridge University Press and the Journal of Law, Religion and State.

Dr Jeremy Patrick
Dr Patrick has research expertise in Constitutional Law, Civil Liberties, and Law and Religion. He is the author of Faith or Fraud? Fortune-Telling, Individual Spirituality, and the Law (UBC Press, 2020) and has co-edited multiple essay collections. His work on law and religion has appeared in the Australian Law Journal, the Journal of Law and Religion, and the University of Queensland Law Review. He is the Team Leader of the Law, Religion, and Heritage Research Program Team at the University of Southern Queensland.
Editorial Assistance
• Law, Religion, and Heritage Research Program Team, USQ
Editorial Advisory Board
• Emeritus Professor Rex Ahdar, University of Otago
• Emeritus Professor Philip Almond, University of Queensland
• Professor Nicholas Aroney, University of Queensland
• Professor Paul Babie, University of Adelaide
• Professor Luke Beck, Monash University
• Associate Professor Ghena Krayem, University of Sydney
• The Hon Michael Kirby, AC CMG
• Associate Professor Dani Muhtada, Semarang State University
• Professor Michael Quinlan, University of Notre Dame Australia
• Emeritus Professor Suzanne Rutland, University of Sydney
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